Direct Marketing Strategy for your Business
In an age of so many marketing messages coming at us each day, many business owners choose direct marketing for their business. Contacting your customers with a personalized offer direct to their mobile or inbox and grabbing their attention is considered one of the most effective marketing techniques for business owners. A good definition of […]
How to get the Right Balance with SMS Marketing
SMS Marketing is a balancing act. If you don’t interact enough with your customers, they will lose interest. If you overdo it and bombard your customers with messages daily or every second day, they will get irritated and unsubscribe. As well as striking the right balance between overdoing and underdoing it, you also need to […]
Using SMS Marketing to Retain More Customers
SMS Marketing and business texting have emerged as the heir to traditional email marketing. While email marketing still has social media beat in terms of control and building deeper engagement, it lacks the personal touch of a digital one-on-one with your customers and prospects. SMS has an overall open rate of 98%!! Compare that to […]
Creating Bulk Text in a More Meaningful Way
Perhaps no medium gives a greater opportunity to communicate on a personal level than bulk text. It’s probably the most personal type of conversation you can have with a consumer via mobile. Text is the most widely and frequently used capability of a smartphone, for both personal and business communication needs, and SMS today is […]
How Different Age Groups Consume Content | Bulk Text
In this infographic on generational marketing, Marketing Profs examines what online content different age groups prefer. The infographic shows that one of the best ways to reach millennials is via mobile and bulk text marketing. Millennials heavily rely on mobile devices, checking them on average 150 times a day, which means mobile and SMS marketing […]
The Process of Bulk Text for Business | Customer Case Study
The process of a business messaging customers, bulk text has seen a resurgence in popularity recently – and it’s not hard to see why. The possibilities for mobile marketing are exciting, and they are growing every day with the rapid development of new technologies and techniques. Mobile is changing, and change is happening fast. The […]
Five Common SEO Mistakes Made by Marketers
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content marketing are a powerful combination that can build website’s authority and drive valuable search engine traffic. Blogging, in particular, is a popular way to drive website traffic and build authority in your niche. However, many people struggle to get great SEO results from blogging. There are 5 common mistakes […]
Avoid Restaurant No-Shows with Bulk Text Reminders
Dealing with no-shows is notoriously difficult in the restaurant industry. Consumers don’t always realize that failing to show up for their reservation causes restaurants to lose potential profits. As a result, many don’t understand why skipping out on a reservation is harmful to a business. This makes dealing with the issue of no-shows tricky for […]
Using Email and Bulk Text Together Effectively
As a business owner, you already realize the importance of staying in touch with your leads and customers. If your marketing techniques are up to par with modern technology and proven strategy, then you are already using bulk text or email marketing in your business communications. But, have you thought about how you can use […]
Recording Consent with Sendmode | GDPR
Under the GDPR regulation which comes into effect on May 25th, 2018, business owners must have proof of consent from their customers to send them marketing messages. Sendmode has a number of ways to record your customer’s consent and also reports to retrieve the consent quickly should a data access request be made. This will […]